Saturday, December 11, 2010

If you are not interested in someone.. you should just tell them straight away that you are not interested in them right?

Men don't like that.

But what else can you do.. you have to say it.

Why should I be impressed by someone's Mercedes S class.. that too when he's asking me if I know what it is. Irritating. But anyway, why will I be impressed?
That he has a 3 bedroom apartment of his own in Bandra..

First of all-
How will it benefit me that someone else own's these things. Someone else own's them.. not me.. He's not going to give it to me.. or do the men want to make it seem like they can buy expensive things for me.. stupidity.. expensive things are usless anyway..

Second of all-
His boasts reveal that he could be too rich.. if he thinks that owning a Mercedes or flat in the suburbs is impressive. Although thats not the point.. just a dig at him.

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