Friday, February 19, 2010

Human beings need routines. Otherwise we don't know what to do with ourselves, we overdo, underdo, get psychological problems. We are to follow. Thats what we are meant to do.. we are to follow. Like birds learning to fly.. like lions learning to hunt. We follow.

Individualism... Humanism... sound nice.. like the new video i-pod. Why would u want to watch a movie on that screen? But its the latest so you have to have it.

My routine begins with visiting the ISKCON temple every morning with my Grandfather's cousin sister.
You know what religion is... its spectacle.. you must have spectacle.
They didn't have movies.. they didn't have much to entertain themselves with at that technological stage.. but they had religion.
It was fun... it was grand... it was nice to look at.

In the olden days you had a lot of time.. you needed to have "customs and rites" all complex to pass it. After all life is passing time interestingly.

So you did your circles and procedures.. passed time.. had fun seeing the decorations.. met people.. made friends.. felt networked.. felt close to humanity as all of url were together doing the same thing.

Community.. community is important. Imagine the days when we lived in huts and there were wild animals around. Hell you wanted community.. you did not want to be pottering about alone somewhere with a jaguar around.. you wanted to be with the community.

I really enjoy going to ISKCON every morning. They have so much fun dancing. The music is also good. It is as much fun as most parties i've been to. But its mostly the guys who are dancing.. the women sway a bit. The guys do good cardio in the morning. If I were male I would be dancing with them.

After that they tell stories. Our epics are entertainment. They were stories that people had fun relating to each other. Its still fun listening to them.

So I get my dose of routine, I get my dose of spectacle. I get my stories.. I get yummy prasad.. for free. Its a good outing.. and that was the point. That is the point of religion. Only people who think that they are modern intellectuals complicate it.. they do not understand it.. they are confused fools. With video i-pods.

I see some people there everyday. Everyday I add information to their unformed story in my head.

The baggage screener.. who does not look at the screen.. but the people walking in.
The young man who stares at me each day.
The white haired old aunty in knit white booties and a knit white sweater over white kurta pyjama who sits on a white plastic chair distributing flowers and garlands. My aunt touched her feet, so I touched her feet. The first day she moved her feet and I did not like her. Today she asked my aunt if I was her daughter and smiled a lot. She even put a garland around my neck.. she does not do that to anyone. I touched her feet. I like her a little more now.

The man praying Hare Krishna in the outside corridor.

The devotee in white kurta and lungi.

The korean with dreadlocks.. also in white kurta and lungi. Who gave money smilingly to the drunk smoking charas outside my gate.. thinking he was a sadhu or something. Peter the drunk was bemused indeed.

I think the korean is gay. He was nicely having fun holding hands and dancing with the other gay boys. Many are gay, im sure of it.

There was this good looking foreigner also.. but I didn't see him today.

My friend from next door.

The prasad giver. He's my friend now.. sort of. And I get extra prasad. He told me to eat a lot.



  1. Hey.. long time no see... interesting post.. yeah .. all this religion is a shit... a community, a herd with a shepherd... just like this society with its right and wrong.. cheers....

  2. I don't think it's shit... thats precisely what im saying.. its pretty amazing actually

  3. each to his own.. to me it is something i don't care about.. yeah it is amusing...cheers...
