Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sundays are for musing.
An adequateness of time and less than adequateness of activity.


I enjoy my work. I enjoy having a schedule. And then I enjoy partying over the weekend.
I like getting high and dancing. Its very relaxing. I can make myself become and feel the same pleasure felt by a bunch of children left alone with a nice song.

Night clubs bring me happiness. And there is also the evolutionary promise possibly lurking behind every elbow, which is really one of the main selling points of a nightclub anyway.

I need my scheduled work, and I need the possibility of romance, we all do, with those we know or don't know.
As yet.

Its just an evolutionary thing.

Why love?
That's why love.. Darwin and boredom.


My mother was keen on a guy for me. She nurtured expectation despite my requests not to do so.
All the weight of her hope, my hope, her questions, my questions, my insecurities, my duty, ground me down to a Mala's squash.

Mala, being my good mother's name.

I had to get out of mummy's pressure umbrella.

"Mama! Stop it, he's engaged now!"

Mother: "Oh, accha"

Me(for added effect) - "To a girl of his caste"


Beautiful, ya.

So now all the, "It seems like he likes you's" turned into "Actually ya he wasn't into you's".
Quite peaceful overall.

Now such a lovely maneuver should not go by unheard so I confessed to my father.

F: "I thought as much"

Me: "Dont tell her. Promise."


Now I only have my expectations to deal with.
The defeat can be my secret.

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