Friday, April 29, 2011

So last night, my female friend told me that maybe im missing out on something working out with HIM because I come across as having this 'wall around me.'

I don't know about that.
I did think that I try to show like im interested.

I guess other girls are more expressive.. and since im absolutely not, HIM must feel unsure.

But what do I do?

Friend told me to message HIM, take more of an interest in his life.. make plans with HIM to meet.

So I messaged him yesterday.. thus I cannot message him again today.. I can't jump onto him.

Maybe i'll make a plan with him tomorrow.

Let it just take its time.

I think im not putting in an effort because im sort of scared of anything working out, I don't know why.

Like do I like status quo? Or am I scared that perfection will be shattered if we spend more time together. That both of us will like each other less?

I don't know what to do about it.

Actually now I do wish that he does read my blog.

So basically.. it would be nice to be in a relationship.. ive never been in a mature one.. the last time I was 16/17.
A relationship has its benefits for both of us.. it would be interesting to try it out.

I mean eventually I would like to be with someone.. and he's good.

So.. I don't know.. let it just develop and I will try and take more interest.

What if ive already lost him to someone else.


I have these negative thoughts..

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same boat as you.... it's so confusing! Whoever said that women are difficult to understand... that person sure must be dumb! Women are so much more expressive and we almost know what exactly we want at the moment.... unlike most men. If a girl shows interest, will the guy freak out like - 'this girl's all over me dude'?? They always so like to bask in the glory of 'being hit on'... that they probably don't even realize that they are supposed to do something about it!
    And if the girl succumbs to all these negative ideas of what he might think and how hurt she is gonna get... there is the danger of losing him to someone else!
    What should a girl do, when she likes someone! It really is so confusing!
    Anyway, I don't know if I have interpreted your post in the right way.... but just felt like venting out my misery... *sigh*!

