Friday, April 9, 2010

I met my "model" friends today. It was very nice.

My love Lekha, bought me flowers and Mango ice-cream from Natural's.
My other nice friend bought me gossip.
And she did not eat.
Sorority sister.
My old sorority.... of eating disorder posers. Omega Omega Omega. The end of all of us.
Because fat coreographers told us, even though we weigh 50 kgs.. that our bodies are fucked up. I am quoting.

She does not eat anything.. except for apples.

My friends lover is sleeping with the designer who is seeing the rich jeweller from the capital. No, he is not sleeping with the male coreographer.

Who in fact induced a young girl my age to sleep with him, and his two friends, all at once. His best friends.

"Y tu mama tambien" was all about how two best friends cannot face each other after they co-participate in a threesome. And look at these guys. Best friends.
One of them has even slept with two of this best female friends.. who themselves are best friends.. and seeing people seriously.
And they even live in the same apartment.. as him and his wife.

And sometimes 2 couples in the same room.. on different beds.

And sometimes.. my friends new husband.. with .. with a famous designer. Another famous designer.Her new husband.

Why does it make me sad?

All of it.

Sweat and sticky-ness.

Does it remind me that we are all savages... and that I cannot trust anyone. Because in him he has the capacity to behave like a savage. Who will even eat you up. Who will destroy you in the cruelest manner.

Because of the sheer pleasure of destruction.
Destruction is pleasurable.
We all innately know it.. but ignore it.. as it would upset the order of society.
But its real.. and I get scared.

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