Sunday, March 28, 2010

I ate yesterday.
One of my favorite things.. Onion Rava Sada Dosa.

And I don't feel guilty.


I have offered my services as a volunteer to the Prithvi Theatre Co. for their summertime kids workshops and also for the purposes of back stage production. They said they would call us. It will be something to do, and its only for two months. I like being around stories. Really, I love stories. And they are not always other's to tell. I will also tell my story.


"Gandhian," the term, is so sluttily used in popular media. Anyone who doesn't lie once is bequeathed.

I need to read Gandhi.. to figure out what I think about him. But did he become senile what? Sleeping naked with his nieces and other hot, young Gandhian women. Whatever reason he had for it.. it was selfish for him to use other "People" for his personal purposes. I am sure Abha(the niece) had like a terrible childhood scar.

I like Nehru.. not his daughter much.


Ever since I have started going to ISKCON, I have never seen the gods repeat a pair of clothes. So they make a new set every day! Do they rotate the clothes among the various branches of their temples?

Well.. I guess people visit the temple everyday and they need something new to see. And some worshippers believe that you must focus on the idol.. in order to clear your mind of all thought.. just focus on the form, beauty and work on the idol.


The life of a devotee.. any religion.. is an easier life. You just pray.. you get food.. and there is no expectation from you whatsoever.

There is no expectation to work and achieve things. No one judging your success. Because "you have renounced the world! You don't believe in material things! You are a saint! You are worshipped!

No one's pointing fingers and saying what a loser you are and how your brother earns more and has sent his kids to study in America.

You pray.

You have no family. No one expects anything from you. You don't have to do anything for anyone. You are friendly with all the other devotees but there is no obligation or duty.

You are free from the pressures of the world.. and people even think that you are really great for giving it all up.
Giving what up?

You can even travel all over the world perhaps.. to the big ISKCON temple in California.
And the crowd is also good.

Should I just become a devotee... hahaha.. in California.

I can start yoga classes and teach Brad Pitt.

And sell sari's and bindi's at crazy prices.

I can't wear a bikini on the beach I suppose.

You win some, you lose some.

I don't know about having affairs.. I think you can have.
Or they might be strict.. I don't know.

This world.. is a joke.. its not serious at all.. everything is time-pass. Everything is as important as anything else.

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