Friday, August 6, 2010

Ekta gave me a rose (red) today also.
I wonder if her father works at the florist's.
It must cost Rs. 5 why would someone want to waste money?

After asking me whether it was a little boy.. or a girl, my mother instructed that in the event of the reciept of another unnecessary rose I must tell the child that it is wholely unnecessary.

I agree.
I won't favour her.. and its a terrible waste of money.


Abhishek's home-made bandage is off and foot seems alright.


I did not tell you about the incident.

The incident when my class went mad.
The BMC appointed teacher was absent so I had to manage the class by myself.
They were sitting quietly.. and the moment I entered it was madness.. u'd think someone has slipped something into the free khichdi.
They were out of their seats.. running.. screaming.. playing.

They just wouldn't listen. They know that I am not the "Teacher."
I am the friend.

It was crazy.

I was so embarassed.

After that day I have stopped being the mother/sister/friend and have tried hard to be the teacher.
I have become strict.

My throat hurts at times.

I don't know whether the equation has changed for them.
Do they take me seriously?
I will know when the BMC teacher is absent.

Her, they are petrified of. She has a stick.
She doesn't beat them with it, only the desks.
Its very effective.. even I have begun to employ it.

My father said that kids want to push you.. just to see till where you can be pushed.

Anyway.. I think I have a little more control now.. a little.


Schools are supposed to have their student teach BMC school kids couple of times a week as compulsory social service.
My brother's school sends his batch to a local Urdu medium BMC school.
They teach small groups, and even then its hard to get anyone's attention.

Forget the volunteers.. he was saying that the students don't even listen to the government deployed teachers.
My brother saw students playing catch around the teacher while she taught.

Im better off. They weren't that cruel.

Abu was also telling me that they throw away all the food because they carry their own food.
So why do they even take it?

Hunger. Do u know what hunger is?
You don't.
You won't know.. and u can't imagine.


I confronted another mad man in juhu.
Juhu is filled with demented hobos.

When I was young, the naked lady was a local landmark.
He did not marry her, I heard.
Sorrow drove her crazy.

That maybe explains the exhibitionism.

Anyway.. this man was talking to himself on the opposite side of the road.
He came over to me, which was when I noticed the long blades in his hand.
He muttered something incoherent and unconnected.

"Move out of my way!"

"No don't go there(in english). Its not safe."

So you know what I did.. instead to going around him.. which may not have been possible.. but even trying to.. I told him to move out of my path.

It was stupid. He had blades. But oh no.. my ego is too big to make me move about. I stood ground till I shouted him off my path.

It was veyr stupid. And how can I get insulted by a mad man. Again. There is no reason to take insult. They r mad. They will not move. I should have run away. But I am stupid.

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