Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yesterday my family had their periodic nice big all inclusive fight, with physical action!


I have cousin who is mentally challenged. This is why he freely shoves his hand into his bottoms overtime he views me (and even smiles propitiatingly). Idiot.

Anyway.. he sits the entire day in my grand-uncle's house. It is his habit to go to my uncle's house every night at 10p.m., have a cup of tea, and refuse to leave. It gets very inconvenient for them.. they are old and wake up early.. but its V's habit.

They should have stopped him years ago. He does not listen.. right.. but intimidation requires no reason. I scare my cousin.

So last night he went to their house. I don't know what happened but V's mother fought with other grand-aunt(m) and she told my grand-uncle never to let her son into grand-aunts house. There was no reason but they fought.
With the garden lights out.. so that the peering neighbors would not see the physical violence.

Then my grand-father went down to stick his nose in. He fought with M and hit her with his walking stick (hefty bamboo fashioned by him, himself from the bamboo growing in our garden). She began to cry.. everyone began to cry. V opened my main door and let my stupid dog out who began to bark and bite everyone.

I put off the TV and opened the windows further (all the better to catch the action my dear).. sprayed on some perfume and went for my friends surprise birthday party.

What they do!

What can I do!


First of all why do I hate everyone. I carry so much hate and anger. I don't want it. If I truly do not want it then I won't have it. Anger is our indulgence. There is no reason for it nor does it serve any purpose. We just feel pitiable and demand sympathy and consideration. Idiots-us all.

So.. I don't want to dislike everyone. Am I mad. I contain all the worst traits from everyone in my family. My grand-father also hates everyone. I scream and am rude like my mother. I am skinny like my brother. I am lazy like my father. I have no friends like my grand-father. I am mad like V.

See im still indulging.

I will not be angry. And I will love. And I will try and be a people's person. Yeah!


The party was okayish. I could not bring myself to eat the fried snacks.

'Ye kya hai?," I ask the waiter pointed at something that looked like fried mini idli's.

"Cripsy Veg"

"Aur ye?"

"Cripsy Veg"



To another waiter "What is this?"

"Chicken balls"

Party Gujju log ne diya hai.. cheese balls honge"

"Haan haan.. shayad"


The highlight of the party was musical housie.
You mark off songs instead of numbers. Live singers belted out the tunes. Unfortunately they chose the worst songs and the game was a flop.


Its so typical.. the Gujju uncle's settled at the bar and the aunties had the fried idli's oops cripsy vegg-es.


The husband surprised the birthday wife by specially and secretly flying down the daughter who is studying in NY, for the event.

Who is flying me to NY?

Me, myself. In the future. There is no God-father. People who get things done realized that last year.


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