Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another bad test.

The people I asked did worse.. but they are not whom I should compare with. The top are marks ahead and if they can do it then I should too.
The gap between our marks must reduce.
How do they do it?
What do they know?

I need to brush up my conceptual knowledge of mathematics and stop being afraid of tough looking problems.

I need to be smarter. How do I make myself smarter?
I mean math I can practice.. but logical reasoning and verbal ability.. you can't do much about that. Its what it is.

I need to be smarter.. I don't know how.
I also need to be faster.

Maybe this is my aptitude level because i've been geeting similar scores.
85%, 92%. I need 99% (for IIM).
I don't think I have the aptitude.. i'll try.. but what if im just not smart enough.

Anyway, I just hope my percentile improves atleast a little before the exams.
I hadn't done math for 7 years and i've learnt more than 3 years worth of portion in 5 months.
Learnt and forgotten by the looks of it. I suppose if I were really confident of my quantitative ability then I would have some hope.

But a college is a college.. and I'll do my course somewhere.. I hope atleast.

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