Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My 2 %

95.5% in CAT - overall.
Expected.. I guess..
I wanted much more.

I didn't do as well in English. 78%.
I gave it less time thinking I am weaker at math (91.5%)

So now.. my overall score is more than the cut-off of almost all IIM's expect Ahmedabad.. but my english score is less than their cut off of 80%.

Yuck its terrible.
But I shall just wait for their short list.

Will get a call from other institutes.
But that does not mean im in.
GD/PI's await.


By the way scored 98% in logic and data interpretation.
Will they call me for that??

No.. there are many 2% and 1 and 1/2% less. They have to draw a line somewhere.

Anyway.. I am praying.. for atleast a call from one of the IIM's.
Lets see.


Did well in SNAP (Symbiosis). Should get call.


  1. came across your blog while searching for some CAT related info : ) . . .dont worry there are lots of people who are scared of joining anything less than an iim or atleast some coll like sp jain . . .like me for instance.

  2. yeah, was sort of testing the waters (but secretly i thought i did pretty well) and nearly drowned, 84 something is what i managed. I read a lot of previous posts that you have put up and i have to say you should be looking at a different career path, like a philosopher or something . . .some of your thoughts are really insightful . . . although your obsession with your weight is a bit shallow . . .

  3. haha.. but imagine what my insights can do in the sphere of marketing or finance then.

    If I must develop insights, i'll share them for a good salary.

    And I am shallow.
    Actually I battled anorexia.

    But I like to look good. Its another thing to be good at.

  4. marketing yes, just dont take HR, you'll probably scare the shit out of most of your employees . . .
    realized you were anorexic after i went through a few of your older posts now . . .
    but your blog's really good, i dont usually go through blogs . . .
    you can maybe do something like what my sis did. She recorded all her thoughts of when she was arnd 15, collated them and got it published . . .

  5. Why would I scare them?
    But im not interested in HR anyway.

    Thank you for the compliment.
    I didn't start writing with the intention of publishing.. but I wouldn't mind ofcourse.

    So ur sister approached the publishers herself. What is her book called??

  6. Oh and please say 'was anorexic'.. because that would be accurate.

    I hit a bad spot.. but i've overcome it.
    Its over.

  7. its 'musings of a girl in blue' by ankita.
    she didnt start with the intention of publishing either, just that the end result was worth it, same with your work i feel . . .

    I did say 'were anorexic', not 'are anorexic' :)

    i dont know you except for what you have to say abt yourself and that gives me the impression that most people wouldnt be able to understand why you do what you do . . .
    those are scary qualities for an HR . .

  8. haha.. yes I suppose that would be scary.
    The premise would make for a very interesting movie though..

  9. how abt a sitcom . . .every episode could feature a new and innovative way to get people to quit . . .

    could be useful when the next recession comes around, downsize without firing anyone :)

  10. If people don't downsize they will have better sales and profits as the economy will be better off.

  11. somebodies been reading up on her economics :)
    i was not talking about the effects of downsizing on the economy . . .just an idea for a sitcom
