Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am royally screwed.
My percentile is burrowing in the muck, which means that everyone else is getting smarter while I am getting dumber.
I don't know what to do about it. I can't solve most of the math and date interpretation can be confusing.

It really does not matter anyway. So i'll go to a bad college.
That does not mean I will do badly at work.

I can go to a good college and do badly at work (and not buy my house).
I can go to my bad college and do badly at work.

So what?
I'll live.. i'll atleast earn Rs. 30,000 every month and go for a holiday once a year.
I'll watch movies.
I may get married, if I find someone.
I may have kids.
I may adopt kids.
Then i'll probably have to watch animated movies as well.

And live will go on.. and the same things will give me pleasure.. movies, books, sleeping in the afternoon, gardens, talk, children, etc..

Only I won't be able to brag about which college I went to or imply about how brilliant I am.
Which is sad, but what can I do.
I study.

So its really ok.

I won't even earn that much to start off with, but I don't have anything now, so what am I losing?


A paradox means living.
Knowing that there is no point and nothing that great but still not wanting to die.

It is all expectation's fault.
Belief in magic, thinking that something amazing lies ahead.
Only day dreams are amazing.

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